Sunday, December 11, 2011

Alpella & Maestro

I painted this from a photo I took of an Alpella candy bar using watercolor and pencil.

This is a pencil drawing from my Turkey sketchbook.  I made this drawing on May 20, 2011 in Istanbul after seeing the Chora Church Museum.  I remember embarking on the city walls & neighborhoods walk in my Rick Steves book and I stopped in a tiny corner store to get a bottle of water.  My eyes locked on the word maestro and I bought two maestro candy bars and walked to the large city walls and sketched this at the city walls.  After I did the drawing I opened the rapper and the bar had melted, but the candy bar still tasted real good.  During the rest of my Turkey trip I kept looking for Maestro candy bars, but never saw any just that little tiny store was the only place I saw them.

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