Saturday, December 31, 2011

Visual memories of Turkey

"Nature is not something that can be seen by the eye alone-it lies also within the soul, in pictures seen by the inner eye..." Edvard Munch

Memory sketch of Winnie, Zeno and Michael at the old Monastery 

Memory drawing of a dinner in Ayvalik with Winnie and Zeno

Self portrait in Ayvalik with large ice cream cone.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Memory and imagination

I am using a drawing I already did and making this up to create a frieze of figures  that looks stage like
a drawing of a figure amongst a group of gnarly and knotty tree trunks.
I saw something like this in Ayvalik when I passed an old wooden house that was falling apart

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Memory drawing enjoying the scribble

This is a memory drawing I did of Todd photographing a flower on a winding road at Assos.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

Poinsettia Cookie

Chocolate Chip Scone & Poinsettia Cookie

Yesterday I went to Boudin's bakery and found a fresh batch of Poinsettia  cookies had been baked.  I could not resist getting a few, but I had to see how a watercolor would turn out.  Here are the results of my visit to Boudin's bakery.
Merry Christmas to all have a great day get a lot of fresh air and sunshine and eat some damn good food!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sketches from Ayvalik

Another memory drawing from the Ayvalik swimming session.  While I was drawing the figures standing at the back of the boat a woman sat down near me and I did this profile sketch of her.  

Friday, December 23, 2011

John's high dive in Ayvalik

There are many times when I see something I want to remember, but don't have a camera ready to use.
During my trip to Turkey this happened a lot so I did memory drawings.  Usually at some point toward the end of the day I would go someplace out of the way and alone with pencil and paper and focus on some events of the day and quickly sketch them down.
I remember when John did his high dive I was in the water at the side of the boat.  I remember the cheers and clapping when John did his dive in very good form.  The drawing has its own logic that helps me remember this event.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Making a painting from a memory drawing.

Drawing from memory 
Pastel image from drawing above.  I plan to make more paintings from memory drawings , but in the future I will use oil paint.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Bugs Bunny and Company

Sometimes I paint the ridiculous or maybe its good fun.
This was fun to paint total fluff .

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Alpella & Maestro

I painted this from a photo I took of an Alpella candy bar using watercolor and pencil.

This is a pencil drawing from my Turkey sketchbook.  I made this drawing on May 20, 2011 in Istanbul after seeing the Chora Church Museum.  I remember embarking on the city walls & neighborhoods walk in my Rick Steves book and I stopped in a tiny corner store to get a bottle of water.  My eyes locked on the word maestro and I bought two maestro candy bars and walked to the large city walls and sketched this at the city walls.  After I did the drawing I opened the rapper and the bar had melted, but the candy bar still tasted real good.  During the rest of my Turkey trip I kept looking for Maestro candy bars, but never saw any just that little tiny store was the only place I saw them.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

More Turkish Desserts

This is a souvenir of Izmir a visual record of a really fine dessert eaten.
This record is made using pencil and watercolor.

A watercolor, pencil and pastel study of dessert from Istanbul.
This image is from a photo I took last May 2011.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Portraits of my Grandmother and Mother

This is a ink drawing of my Grandmother Nee.   I did this from a photo I took of her in 1979.   At the time I had seen a exhibition of Picasso and Braque cubist paintings and I put a early Braque cubist landscape in the background.  When Braque painted his landscape my grandmother was 15 in 1909.

This is a gouache painting of my mother when she was about a year old or so.